To start off this is how Cayden opened presents. He would tear off a piece of paper and hand it to you. It was cute but also a relief since hardly any paper found its way into his mouth.

Nana and Cayden at Mamaw Betty's last Sunday.
This is such of cute picture of Cayden. He must have been waving at a ghost or something because nobody is over there. But I love this picture.
Here is a few of Cayden pulling himself around this week. Actually, last night Cayden got on hands and knees and crawled for about 30 seconds. He inched may a foot and then dropped down to pull himself.
We did have a little scare this week. Cayden's doctor wanted him to have a CAT Scan of his head because it is so big. So Wednesday at 1:00 we were at Glenwood Regional Medical Center getting a CAT Scan. I was so worried all week. But his results were that he is a normal little boy with a big ole head like his daddy. I was really worried they were going to sedate him and he could not eat for 6 hours before so I was thinking he was going to be going beserk. But he did good and I fed him a bottle while he had his CAT Scan. Evidently my hand looks normal too. We are so thankful that everything is okay with our little man. God does answer prayers.
Love to all,
How cute is he? Answer: Soooo Cute.
Okay, we started off by walking across the street to our neighbors. I got a 2 for 1 when I found Mrs. Ann at Mrs. Gardner's house. I love Mrs. Gardner she is so sweet and she looks after us and we look after her. She gave us figs this year and I had mentioned that I had never had fig preserves and she made me some. Which was delicious! I don't think I ever told her that I liked them.
How cute is that picture. Here is Mrs. Ann and Cayden. Cayden scores some pretty awesome cookies from her.
After that we loaded up and headed over to Mrs. Donna and Kenny's house.
They were so excited for Cayden. I actually took about 10 of them because they each come out the door one at a time. But these are the final two pictures. Then we headed over to Karen and Mike McMillan.
Cayden was getting very tired by this point. We were in and out of the car seat and he was wore out. I forgot to get a picture of Aunt Nell and Brenda with Cayden. I just realized that is Aunt Nell in the background of the above picture. Brenda won't hold Cayden until he gets bigger. (She has been saying that forever)
Then the finale. We finally make it to my Mom and Dad's house. My dad knew we were coming but my mother had no idea. I parked at the end of the driveway so Gretchen (the dog) would not give it away. We sneak up and ring the doorbell. Nana and Papaw came rushing to the door and Nana was so surprised. I wish I had gotten a picture of the moment.
That is a ring pop in his mouth not a pacifier. Anyway we had a good time and I was glad it was over. I started at 4 and got to mom's around 8.
I will leave ya'll with one more pictures of Cayden taking a bath this week. He was getting his head washed.
Doesn't he look like one of the munchkins off Wizard of Oz?
Love to all,