Friday, July 25, 2008
Just an update
So, to all who have inquired, Uncle Tip is my big brother Phillip. He wants Cayden to call him Uncle Tip. I have been getting questions about where does Uncle Tip come from. When I was young and learning to talk, I could not say Phillip. When I tried to say Phillip it came out as Tip. Hence the name Uncle Tip. My dad still calls him Tip (I do not).
The only thing that has happened since the last time I posted was that we went out to the river. Bill, Phillip, Phillip's friend Justin, and I went out and had a blast. It was Good Times (as my uncle would say) LOL. You have to be in on the joke to get that one. We had a little fun on the rope swing, stopped by my Uncle Michael's place, hung out at the sandbars, tried the tube out and called it a day. With a little bit of drinkin and alot of laughs in between. I loved it because I asked Phillip and Justin if they wanted to tube and both said they haven't done it in years since they were kids. Then Phillip looks at me and says, "Show me how it is done lil' sis." So of course I did. And Phillip and his friend followed. I had such a good time that day. I will post pictures of our day later. I am at my parents and I did not bring my camera with me. Hence, no pictures this post.
Tomorrow I plan on Cayden going swimming with me. So expect pics (via Nana's camera).
Okay, till tomorrow!
Love to all,
Saturday, July 12, 2008
All about Cayden...
He is just too cute. How can you not love that beautiful, perfect little boy!
Cayden is laid back in the hammock at Nana and Papaw's house (Linzay's parents)!
Cayden and Uncle Tip high-fiving it.
Uncle Tip and Cayden again. Cayden loves his uncle.
Look at those beautiful blue eyes.
He does have his moments, but only at feeding time. He was eating cereal with applesauce and I wanted to get a picture with it all over his face. I really zoomed in to close.
Play time!!!
Cayden is playing with his favorite toy.
Sacked out!!! I actually took this picture this morning.
Ok well I got to get off this thing and get some stuff done. I hope everyone had a good 4th and continue to pray for all our troops.
Love to all,
Cayden's first swim

I will try to add another post later today. I have lots more to tell and show.