Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gustav Gone....

Hi everyone. I am so slacking on the blog. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are okay with alot to be thankful for. Bill's mother had family in from New Orleans this week. And she got to see her son (Bill's younger brother) also. It was good to see everyone. It was so good to see Bill's brother Randy because we haven't heard anything from him in 3 years. Hopefully he will keep in touch because we all miss him very much.

Gustav hit and left my in-laws without power for about half a day. Entergy was claiming it could be around 36 hours before they got power back. As I said, they had people from South Louisiana visiting so glad they got it back. My parents were without power maybe 30 minutes or so a couple of times. We never lost power but we did lose 2 trees in our backyard and a fence or two. Both trees uprooted out of the ground and fell on our fences into the neighbors' yards. Bill has alot to clean up. Chase is with us and he got out for 3 days this week. He has to go back to school tomorrow. I got out of school for 2 days but had to work. Actually I was kinda lazy and only worked one of the days. (My mom would have called me out of that one) So everyone is safe and got a little break out of the situation. BUT....

Hanna is on her way and I am a little worried having friends and family in Florida. Say a little pray for them tonight.

I am at school right now during a break between classes so no pics this time.
Oh and....

You will have to guess her age because she would kill me if I told the whole world!

Love to all,

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