Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
10 years and counting!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
This is how Cayden gets out of the pool.
Coming down the slide.
Sprinkler on the slide!
This was the face I seen after he come down the slide.
This video is of Cayden in the pool but he got thirsty all of the sudden and wanted some of Mamaw Donna's ice water.
I know you enjoy videos but they take too long to upload. I only do it because I know ya'll like to see my man in action! Expect very scarce video in the future after tonight. Hope you enjoy!
Love to all,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
All about Cayden...
Okay, now that we got that out of the way! He is my TODDLER all grown up and drinking out of a JUICE BOX. WTH? Where did my baby go. I have found he loves these things and it is a sure fire way to get him to drink his juice. And notice that almost whole eatin' burger from McDonald's! He sure eats to be so little!
This one is one morning at around 6:00AM. I was in the middle of doing my hair when TODDLER called and needed some Mommy loving.
These next pictures are adorable. My friend Megan got these for Cayden for his birthday! They are his superman pjs. He loves them! They have a cape that has velcro on the shoulders. I am in love with these pjs! They are so cute. They are 18 months, which he is wearing every day, but these are way too too long in the legs. I roll them up like 4 times and they still drag the ground.
So a little update on me. Bill and I are buying a house. It has been ongoing for about 3 weeks now. It is a foreclosure house so we are having to deal with a bank. It needs a little work but we still got it at a great price. I have pics but will update later with that once we get through inspections. We have got an accepted offer from the bank so it is just going through all the legalities of the sale...Oh my gosh, just realized, I am becoming an adult! HAHA!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
So, we always get together and cook and hang out with family on this day!
To start off, here is a picture of Bill. Handsome, huh?

I love this picture so much because of a couple of reasons. 1) I love the background for some reason. 2) Cayden's hand is on his daddy's leg. 3) most is on my thinking bench...a little background...this bench was my Mamaw Verna's patio bench. When she died my mom and dad gave the patio furniture to my other grandmother. When Mom and Dad built the pool and put in the black lamp posts at the end of the pool, they knew that bench was meant to go there. So dad got the bench back and painted it black to match. This is my most favorite spot at my parents house. I always go out and sit on this bench at night (when I smoke) and look up at the stars and think of my Mamaw Vern (HeHe)! My fav spot! Okay, too much information but thought it was needed.

Daddy and Cayden walking around the pool.

This is my grandmother (mom's mom). On special occasions when the WHOLE family is not getting together.we always stop by and bring Mamaw Betty up to the house when we cook and celebrate. She loves it.

Cayden and Gretchen. I love this picture and it needs no description at all.

This is Cayden on the bridge. I swear he walked across it all day long. He loves it even if Nana thinks it is too high and too steep.

This next pic of my mom and Cayden. Cayden loves this swing and wants my mom to sit with him everytime they go in the backyard.

My crazy dad decided he could stand the water and jumped right in. It was cold, about 78 degrees. Really cold in my book. He stayed in for about 30 minutes but whether he will admit it or not (warmed up once he was in) he froze.

This is my dad's garden this year. I don't know how well you can see it but he has a fabulous garden going this year. It includes beans, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, banana peppers, etc. I know I forgot some things and he might just kill me because we usually walk around the garden every time I go visit. Oh, the whole reason I took the picture was to take the picture of dad's new invention/find on the internet. He made these earth boxes and put 4 tomato plants (2 in each one). The plants are planted in rubbermaid tubs and if you look hard you can see them in gray tubs in the front to the left a little bit. Dad built these things with PVC pipe inserted to water them every couple days. The tomatoes are doing fantastic and are much bigger than the ones he planted at the same time in regular beds.

Loving this picture. Three of the MOST important men in my life. Different love for each one but each one holds a very special place in my heart. And if you three are wondering where you rank...sorry men, little man out ranks you. HaHa!

This is my fabulous deddy (as I pronounce it because I am southern/redneck, whatever you want to call it). But he is one fabulous man who loves despite all my flaws. He is checking out the pool.

Okay, just a little update on me. I took finals for Maymester at ULM today. 2 classes down 3 more to go all before August 6th. I am supposed to graduate on August 15th. Keep your fingers crossed.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Where is Linzay?
On a Saturday, a couple of weeks ago, Cayden had a very big day. He did 2 firsts in one day. YES, I finally took my child for his first HAIRCUT!! I was excited and reluctant at the same time. He watched Daddy get his hair cut then he jumped in Daddy's lap to get his hair cut. I just want to say "I MISS THOSE CURLS"!!! After our haircut we went for Cayden's first....
BOAT RIDE!! He loved it and we were very careful! We actually only stayed out for about 20 or 30 minutes.
This is what Cayden had for breakfast. Yes oatmeal with m&m's in it. He loved it and we have had it again several times since. Then checking out what the Easter Bunny brought him. Then we went to Mamaw Betty's to eat and hunt Easter Eggs.
I know my kid looks really wicked in this last picture.
Okay, one more video of my precious toddler (no longer a baby) walking. This was Easter Sunday. He is a whole lot better at it now.
Okay hope ya'll enjoyed!
Love to all,